The author’s claim: current agents are primarily created and tested in simplified synthetic environments, leading to a disconnect with real-world scenarios.

They built an environment for language-guided agents that is realistic and reproducible.

Overall very well-done and comprehensive work.


  • website environment in 4 domains: e-commerce, social forum discussions, collaborative software development and content management.
  • enriched with tools (map) and external knowledge bases (manuals?)
  • set of benchmark tasks focusing on evaluating the functional correctness of task completions.
  • the environment is implemented in openai gym, and shipped in docker containers.
  • Maintain reproducibility by making the environment standalone (without relying on live websites). no captchas.
  • Environment definition:
    • State space S, action space A, observation space O
      • Observation space:
        • web page url
        • opened tabs (consider multi-tab web-based tasks to promote tool usage)
        • web page content
          • DOM tree or
          • screenshot or
          • accessibility tree
          • image-20240716183736667
      • Action space:
        • element selection:
          • by coordinates (x, y)
          • by element id (numerical)
        • image-20240716183926619
    • Transition function: $T: S \times A \to S$
  • The craft of benchmark dataset
    • Intent Collection
      • seed intents from human annotators
      • abstract and high-level, creative (created a reddit account identical to my gitlab one), formulated by a template
    • Evaluation of correctness:
      • Information seek tasks:
        • The answer is a string.
        • exact match
        • must_include
        • fuzzy_match (call gpt-4 to evaluate)
      • site navigation and content&config tasks:
        • a reward function to evaluate the intermediate state
          • locator: javascript or api or database query
            • find result text
          • keywords
            • reuse match functions
        • image-20240716184802401
      • Unachievable Tasks:
        • expect the agent to produce N/A
      • human performance 78.24%


  • Does numerical id cause hallucination?
  • not enough description on accessibility tree