Paper reading: Understanding Human-AI Workflows for Generating Personas
DIS 2024
Generate persona from text, from the perspective of human-ai collaboration
RQ: which persona-generation subtasks should be delegated to user researchers vs. LLMs to produce representative and empathy-evoking personas?
- Interesting finding
- introducing user researcher in identifying key characteristics make the age variance smaller
- Llm-auto can match the golden truth distribution
- Llm-summary can generate the most statistically representative personas
- (somewhat) trivial findings (llm-summary and llm-grouping performs the best):
- Introducing user researcher in more stages will yield a better performance
- No-LLM baseline (how does summarizing help?)
- Human workflow – which part is the most time-consuming?
- How do you define a better “persona”
- What the usage of personas? Are they going to be processed by LLMs?
- Will “be more expressive” help?