Paper reading: Agent Hospital: A Simulacrum of Hospital with Evolvable Medical Agents [extensive reading]

arXiv 2024, THUNLP

RQ: Could the process of social simulation enhance the performance of LLM agents on specific tasks?


  • Very novel and interesting RQ, achieving SOTA on MedQA
  • Solid methodology?


  • In the training method – Where is the ‘agent’?
    • There are no triage, registration, … processes involved in their experiment
      • –which is the most important part of simulated agent I think
    • They are just building a new dataset
    • Of course the accuracy will raise
    • Didn’t answer their RQ at all.
  • They are calling it ‘training’. Are they updating parameters? It seems like they are just constructing a structured database (medical record library and experience base) for RAG.
  • No comparison to non-agent baselines (search through all documents in their dataset, or just fine-tuning)
  • Very doubtful evaluation (only 72 questions; didn’t talk about how they select questions; select correct questions with GPT-3.5 but evaluate GPT-4, …)